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MOLESKINE: by Skip Hunt

This blog is a reinterpretation of a journal-styled travel journal, or "moleskine" where there's no intinerery or chronological order. Each post will have little bits of photos, travel vignettes/stories, a little poetry, etc. Sort of a book you flip through when you feel like escaping for a few moments. Doesn't matter if you flip to the front, middle, or end. Just flip through and dream of the road.

My Photo
Location: Austin, Texas, United States

Intuition has led me through 17 countries thus far, and counting. The further I explore, the more I realize how much of this incredible beauty is perpetually unfolding around us and also simultaneously within. When I share these images with others and learn they've also resonated with them in some mysterious way as well, it proves my suspicion that all is indeed one and everything is defined by a difference in sacred frequency vibration.

Image making reminds me to awaken from the slumber and to celebrate life's rich pageantry parading all around us.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

On the Road Again... Soon!

Getting excited now! Got my new front tire yesterday, and a new chain, new back tire, and new front fork seals a month ago.

Now dealing with the last few days of anxiety about going... always get that for some reason... then after I'm finally "on the road"... anxiety melts away into sublime vagabond Nirvana. Ahhhhhh!!!!

I shot mostly black & white on my last Mexican adventure, but I think I'm going to get back to HOT vivid color (like the Xochimilco image on my first post. Here's one of the b/w images from the last adventure:

NEW! Skip Hunt Vagabond Travelblog here: http://skiphuntvagabond.tumblr.com

Stay Tuned!
